Trustee / Fiduciary
Professional Trustee in Monterey, California
Professional Trustee in Monterey, California
Many clients choose to have a professional Trustee oversee their family Trust. Often this results in greater family harmony and takes financial issues out of the parent-child relationship.
Ms. Silver acts as a Trustee, hires expert financial managers, prepares Trust tax returns and accountings, pays Trust bills, and handles the overall management of the family Trust. She meets with the family on a regular basis, making frequent visits to the elder family members who created the Trust. Trustee services include:
- Professional Trustee / Private Fiduciary
- Family Trust Management
- Trust Tax Return Preparation
- Trust Accounting, Bill Payment, & Reports
- Serving the Monterey Peninsula area from Carmel Valley to Marina
What Clients Say
“Lori has an amazing ability to explain things clearly; and she is calm in repeating the same information in multiple ways so that I can not only understand it, but personalize it! Her friendly reminders help me get my information completed. She is the only person I can fully confide in, she is never judgmental and listens fully.” — Lynne J.
Learn More
Learn More
Professional Trustee
Who Needs a Trustee
What Does a Trustee Do
How to Choose a Trustee
To discuss your professional Trustee / Private Fiduciary needs, please call us for an appointment:
Contact Lori Silver
Contact Lori Silver
Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm PST
Phone: 831-375-3030
187 El Dorado Street, Monterey, CA 93940